Sunday, 8 August 2010

Ernesto Neto

Whilst papa Jez attended a lecture nearby, Eliott and I escaped to the Hayward Gallery, in London to see the Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto's latest installation "The Edges of The World". The experience is immersive and sensory, and Eliott embraced it with much enthusiasm and lots of "Oooohs!". We spent a lovely hour in soft tunnels, on big cushions, surrounded by pockets of scented herbs and spices, rushing to things to climb on or around a large bulbous pool and playing with a big musical instrument.I probably would have experienced it quite differently, had I been on my own but watching Eliott interact with everything with such natural and instinct made me realise how much I would have missed.

1 comment:

colette said...

Super cet artiste Brésilien!Eliott a bien utilisé toutes les possibilités etc'est bien amusé! Bisous.